Campbell Rd Low Water Crossing
IFB: Town Hall Painting for Town of Duncan
The Town of Duncan will be accepting bids for Town Hall Paint, inside and out. Specifications can be obtained by contacting Town Hall located at 506 SE Old West Hwy, Duncan, AZ. (928) 359-2791. Bids are due at 1:00 PM on January 30th, 2025
IFB: Town Hall Repairs for Town of Duncan
The Town of Duncan will be accepting bids for Town Hall building repairs. Specifications can be obtained by contacting Town Hall located at 506 SE Old West Hwy, Duncan, AZ. (928) 359-2791. Bids are due at 1:00 PM on January 30th, 2025.
IFB: Town Hall Carpet for Town of Duncan
The Town of Duncan will be accepting bids for Town Hall carpet replacement. Specifications can be obtained by contacting Town Hall located at 506 SE Old West Hwy, Duncan, AZ. (928) 359-2791. Bids are due at 1:00 PM on January 30th, 2025.
CDBG #118-25
IFB: Concrete work for Town of Duncan
IFB: Design/Build Skate Park
The Town of Duncan will be soliciting bids for the design/build of a 6,000 square ft Skate Park. Bids are due October 3, 2024, at 5:00 PM. Bids should be submitted to the attention of the Town Clerk at Town Hall, 506 SE Old West Hwy, 928-359-2791.
IFB: Caterpillar 430 F Backhoe
The Town of Duncan will be soliciting bids for a Caterpillar 430 F backhoe or equivalent. New or used will be considered. Bids are due October 2, 2024, at 5:00 PM. Bids should be submitted to the attention of the Town Clerk at Town Hall, 506 SE Old West Hwy, 928-359-2791.
CDBG # 121-24
The Town of Duncan has been awarded a federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the State of Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) and will accept sealed bids from licensed Arizona Contractors to complete the following improvements to the Town of Duncan ‘s water system:
Drilling, installation, and testing of a Municipal water supply well.
Contract documents in electronic format are published on Town of Duncan’s website: , Bidders are responsible for monitoring the website referenced above for notifications of changes and addenda related to this project.
The Town of Duncan will conduct an non-mandatory pre-bid conference and site inspection on Thursday, April 4th, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. Interested bidders are highly encouraged to attend and should meet at the Duncan Town Hall, located at 506 Southeast Old West Hwy, Duncan, AZ 85534, which is accessible to persons with disabilities. Individuals with special accessibility needs may contact Terry Hinton at or (928) 359-2791 at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting.
Sealed bids will be opened at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, April 15th, 2024, Duncan Town Hall, located at 506 Southeast Old West Hwy, Duncan, AZ 85534.
Publish as legal in The Copper Era: March 27th and April 3rd 2024.
Town of Duncan Water Systems Improvement Project
CDBG #121-24
506 Old West Highway Duncan, Arizona 85534
Addendum 01
1. Davis-Bacon Wages update, now refer to Mod #1 of Davis-Bacon Act WD # AZ20240037. See accompanied Updated Davis-Bacon Wages.
2. 300ft is the Total Depth, with the breakdown of (perforations start at water).
1. Question:
Will the town provide water for the well at no additional cost?
The Town will provide water.
2. Question:
Can you please clarify if we are required to fall under the Build America, Buy America Act?
This project does not fall under the Build America, Buy America Act.
3. Question:
Will the DWR Drill permit be filed by the Contractor or Town?
The DWR permit will be filed by the Contractor.
4. Question:
. 040 slot is a fairly small peroration, can the slot size be amended to match well production?
We would like the perforations to match the well production
All respondents shall ensure that they acknowledge this amendment as per the Bid Document
instructions. Any questions regarding this Amendment should be directed to Terry Hinton at It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to comply with this and any and all addenda issued during this process. Small business enterprises and disadvantaged business firms are encouraged to participate.
Terry Hinton
Town Manager